The Helm CONNECT 1.24 release is right around the corner, and while it’s a bit early to share an exact release date, we’re eager to share capabilities emerging on the horizon. The focus of 1.24 is on incremental changes within Helm CONNECT, to provide users with happy “aha!” moments and to provide improvements to usability and performance.
Here’s a handful of our planned updates in 1.24, currently in testing, that allow you to:
Group custom fields together on screen in order to more easily update (and read) information about the asset
Provide better controls for generating watermarks on printed documents
Provide titles and labels on forms, better differentiating the form in use
Generate email notifications when a note is added to a corrective action
More easily build reports, through improvements on permissions and data sources
Our customers will receive notification of release availability and deployment date via email ; we encourage you to also follow our LinkedIn page for release updates (as well as other Helm-related news). Keep posted as we progress towards the release!