11 May 2023
Liam Cameron
Customer Innovation Manager



What is Analytics?

Helm CONNECT Analytics is a new feature with the release of Helm CONNECT 1.26. This feature offers valuable insights and visualizations to your operations and business. The product is designed to help you streamline your operations, improve compliance, and reduce costs by providing data analysis and visualizations in a seamless experience within Helm CONNECT.

At its core, data analysis provides answers to questions otherwise speculated, so we built a tool that will:

  • Encompass as much data as possible
  • Be an easy-to-use interface
  • Allow users to quickly answer questions from managers and auditors that start with:
    • “How Many”
    • “How Much”
    • “Who”
    • “What”
    • “Where”

To achieve this, we’ll be rolling this out in two versions: Basic and Advanced. Some operators need basic KPIs, insight, and analysis, while those leveraging Helm CONNECT for a larger portion of their business will find additional value from the features, workflows, and additional users found in the Advanced offering.

In Version 1.26, all Helm CONNECT customers will see this page added to the product, and over the coming months throughout 2023 you’ll see rapid improvements to the data displayed as we validate and build feedback from the market.





Why Analytics?

We want to make it easy for one person to manage a hundred assets. To do this, you need tools to consolidate and manage a large data set in a quick and easy way. Analytics will give you intelligence on crew, asset performance, and trends to optimize operations and make better business decisions while staying on top of compliance.


This feature is an evolution of our expertise and experience with Helm Reporting and Dashboards. From the very beginning, Helm CONNECT has been an excellent platform to record and export the most critical data for running your business. The last stage of compiling and analyzing the data has long been asked by our customers. We answered this initially with Dashboards – a semi custom solution leveraging Microsoft PowerBI.

With Analytics, we’re taking everything we’ve learned and moved it in-house to provide a seamless experience for any Helm CONNECT subscriber.


Basic Dashboard Overview

Helm Reporting can bring anything that’s been done in the system into a clear dashboard view. With our first release, we aimed answer the question: “What needs to be done?

We’ve done this by giving you:

  • KPIs for every work type in Helm CONNECT
  • Visualizations and time scales (this week, 1 month, overdue)
  • Drill down to Assets, Assigned Crew

However, we know that analyzing trends and demonstrating compliance is still a major requirement, so we added a longitudinal chart with drillthrough to allow you to see fleet performance over the past 5 years up to today.

Let’s take a look at the various components in more detail:



  • An immediate, fleet-wide view Open (Not Completed) items that need attention.
  • The percentage is how many are still on time, or not overdue. A high percentage is a good score!
    • In this screenshot we see that only 9.7% of our audits are currently before their scheduled date.
  • The total items is how many overall need to be completed in the system.
  • This is an accurate count of Audits, Corrective Actions, Forms, Inspections, Maintenance, Tasks whether the item has been opened or not.



Open Items by Status Charts

  • Status Charts offer a visual representation with more detail when these items may need attention.
  • Clicking on any entity will filter the rest of the page to that work type.



Crew/Asset – Open Items

  • This is a table that will quickly show you which items are assigned to whom with a percentage overdue.
  • As you filter the page down to answer a specific question, this table will automatically update.




Completed Items – Historical View and Drill Through

  • For any entity in Maintenance or Compliance, you can see historically how many were completed, and what percentage was completed on time.
  • We start with a broad view to accommodate as may use cases as possible, but the real value comes once you filter and drill through this to answer specific questions.
  • For Example:
    • How many maintenance routines were completed on time in 2022 vs 2021, were we improving?
      • Answer: Filter Work Type to Maintenance







Filtered Results

  • Filters can be used to manipulate and drill-down to view more specific results.





Export to PDF

  • Downloading PDFs is a great way to generate a static image of an entire dashboard for uses like email distribution or summary reports.






Configuring Analytics Users (Setup)

  • Under Setup>Users there is a tab called Analytics.
  • Each user is added 1 by 1.
  • The edit functionality only edits which dashboards they have access to (in Version 1.26 there is only 1).
  • If you want to remove a user, you need to click into them and click delete.
  • For Basic licenses, there are only 5.



Stay tuned for more ways to to get to the next level with Helm CONNECT!

To discover more about Helm Analytics, and how it can help optimize your business, contact us today!