Welcome to Part II of our ‘Setting up Helm CONNECT’. This series of posts give you some details regarding setting up Helm CONNECT from scratch, using a fictional company as our example. This post will show you how to set up Assets. If you missed our first post about setting up Divisions click here.
Assets is where you will create your different Vessels to be used in Helm CONNECT. At the basic level, an Asset is simply an assignable vessel attached to a Division. However it can be further set up with a lot of additional options. For the purpose of this overview, we’ll go into how to create an initial Vessel and how to setup a basic Component list.
To create an Asset, you’ll want to navigate to the Management -> Assets App as shown below:
This screen is where you’ll create your initial Vessels. This is completed by selecting the ‘New Asset’ button, which will take you to the following screen:
- Name: The main name of the Asset [i.e. MV Ashley]
- Short Name: A shortened version of the Asset name, can be used in place of typing out the full Asset name in other sections of Helm CONNECT [i.e. Ash]
- Asset Types: Custom tags to help with sorting and filtering [i.e. towboat]
- Division: What Division this Asset belongs to [i.e. Western Coastline]
Of the above, Name, Short Name, and Division are required and the Asset Type is optional. Once the fields have been filled in hit save to create the Asset:
Nice work! You just created an Asset! This set up will allow the Asset to be used in dropdowns based on its Division settings. You’ll want to create an entry for each Asset. Here’s an example of multiple created Assets:
To edit an Asset, click on their card and you’ll be brought to the screen you see below, which will let you edit any of the fields you need to:
In our next post we’ll take a look at some other tabs in Operations.
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